In Loving Memory Of Our Dear Tucker
Tucker came to me 12 years ago when a cousin died and left him behind. He was a formerly feral cat that she had taken in. When she died, there was nowhere for him to go other than to a shelter or to my home. It required a search of my cousin’s whole house to even find him—and he was so frightened when he was discovered that he bit two people when he was picked up to be put in the carrier. Tucker was very fearful of anything or anyone new. When I brought him into the house, I put him in my office, and he promptly ran into the closet where he hid and he hid and he hid. Days went by. A week went by. Two and three weeks went by. Occasionally, I would see his green eyes staring at me. Then one day I walked in the room and his was sitting on my office chair as if to say, “I’ve decided to trust you.” He was mine and only mine from that day on. Tucker ran to me and huddled at my feet if it was thundering outside or something frightened him. He loved having his belly rubbed. He would sit on my lap and purr, and if I stopped petting him, he would gently put his paw on my hand to tell me “more pets.” A young cat came to live with my husband and me a few years later and Tucker watched and watched her and then decided he would take care of her. They cuddled and played and groomed one another. He was the most gentle, sensitive, and kind cat I’ve ever had. You will be loved forever, Tucker.