In Love Memor of Our Dear Chuey
Hello, my name is Chuey and I lived a wonderful life full of love for over seventeen years. I had a mom, a dad, and a brother named Dino. I’m writing this myself because I know my mom and dad will be too torn up inside to write this. In 2006, I was called up from Kentucky to rescue this pair of misfits in Wisconsin – future Mom and future brother Dino. I knew immediately that I wanted to adopt them. They were a lot of work, especially Mom, but I got them into shape within a couple of years. Then along came future Dad, who also needed a lot of work. It wasn’t always easy with him, but I took on the challenge, even going as far as to officially make him my dad a couple years later. The four of us had a lot of fun – dog parks, daily walks, napping, treats, tail wags, barks, playing fetch, napping on the couch on Mom’s hip, car rides in Dad’s lap, … I loved them all so much and I know they loved me back. Dino and I would wrestle and I would always win, even though Dino was three times my size. Mom and Dad gave me lots of pets, ear rubs, treats, let me sleep in their bed, bought me several warm sweaters, and even carried me tucked inside their coat when I got too cold on the walks. They called me silly nicknames, too, supposedly as a sign of endearment – names like “Chu”, “Sweetheart”, “Gucci,” “Chuvard”, “Kiddo”, “Snorkasaurus Chu”, “Peanut”, and many more. And they always told me how much they loved me, too, as if their actions left any doubt. Oh, how I loved my family! They always made me feel warm, comfortable, safe, and loved. Oh, how I loved my family! I lost my left eye in 2013, but that didn’t slow me down. I continued to do all the things I loved so much – the daily walks, naps, walks in the park, wrestling Dino, fetch, all of it. My brother passed away in 2020, and that was hard for me. Dino had always been there to protect me and nobody could do it better than him. Now I had to train Mom and Dad in one more thing. In the fall of 2022, I became completely blind. Instead of treating it as a setback, I went to work every day at Dad’s office. Once I arrived, I was immediately put in charge of security. It really was a great job and I loved going to work. In addition to work, I never let being blind stop me from daily walks and running in the park on nice days. Yes, I said “running in the park.” With my love for and trust in Mom and Dad, I used their guidance as my sight. There was no way they would let me get hurt. And there was no way I was going to let anything hold me back. I knew I wasn’t going to be on Earth for a long time, so I tried to touch as many hearts as possible while I was here. I think I did all right. Mom and Dad would tell you I lived a large life with so much spunk and spirit, but it was easy to do because I was always surrounded by love. Dad always said, “Chu weighs 11 pounds, but 10 of it’s attitude.” I’d argue if I could. At only 11 pounds, I never occupied much physical space, but I definitely lived large. I know both Mom and Dad will lose some sleep and shed some tears because they wished they could have done more for me, but I don’t ever want them to feel this way. I was so loved and so well cared for. Every time my eye bothered me, they rushed me to my eye doctor. Every time I needed medication, they made sure I got it. They even went so far as to hide it in my food on occasion! They did everything they could, plus some, and I loved that they cared so deeply for my well-being. My safety and comfort was always so important to them. As you can see, I lived a great life! It was wonderful and so very full of love! I loved Dino, my mom, and my dad so much that it’s hard to put into words. Instead of using words, I often used my tail. And from all the pets, walks, kisses, hugs, couch cuddles, and words of affection, I know they loved me, too. I will miss them all very much and I know they will miss me. I will never forget them.
Love, Chuey